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Showing posts from December 24, 2017

Funny and interesting facts about engineers

Funny facts About Engineers 1. For engineers each and every course which is not engineering is easy 2. An engineer is the only one which has the power of getting up at 9.45 am and reaching the class at 10.00 am. 3. The famous fact about Engineers which almost every person knows is that  T-shirt and jeans  are engineer’s national dress and  Maggi  is the national food.   4. A normal person will never want to break his thing but an engineer will break things and then he will fix it also. 5. An engineer can build anything from a car to a spaceship also they can even make time machine. However, he just  can’t build a  simple relationship with a girl . 6. An engineer is not afraid from the question they will get but from the answer they don't know. 7. An engineer loves to solve a problem. If there is no problem, then he will definitely create one and would start solving it until he gets fully satisfied. 8. An engineer is capable of solving any problem

Fun facts

Fun facts about Engineering Fun facts about engineering The word engineer comes from a Latin word meaning ‘cleverness’. Engineering was given the title of the toughest course in the world in 2010 by the Guinness book of world records. The snowboard was invented by an engineer. Serman Poppen invented a toy for his daughter by tying two skii's together and attaching a rope to one end. This invention called the “snurfer” eventually evolved into the snowboard. With some engineering twists and turns along the way, the snowboard has become a marvel of geometry, chemistry, and biomechanics. Engineering is the one course which consists of 58 University examinations 130 series examinations 174 assignments which an engineer has to complete in 4 years ( maximum of 750 working days ). Be proud to ba an engineer