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life hacks to stay healthy

Simple life hacks

In today's world everyone is facing stress in our life and wants some relaxation so that they could live their life without any diseases or tenshion.So in order to provide you some relaxation and help to get some relief I am here with some life hacks you can use to make your life more interesting. So here these are:


The first and the most effective way to stay healthy and stress free is to do meditation time to time on daily basis. The meditation provides us the best experience of our mind and soul it provides us with the opertunity to understand overselves.It is also been proven that the meditation helps to cure many dangerous stress related diseases also. It's ability to cure diseases is only one part of it's many benefits.

Less use of medicines

In today's world everyone is taking different kinds of medicines for every symptom they encounter in there daly life but every medicine has two side one is good and the other side is known as side effect.In order to be a healthy person one should avoid medicines as much he can and should take as much of a healthy diet as he can get to improve his/her immune system which is our natural defense of our body against diseases.

Drink lots of water in a day

  In order to be healthy an average person should drink at least 8 glasses of water every day.As drinking water has many benefits such as it increases energy and relieves Fatigue also it promotes weight loss and it also boosts immune system and improves skin complexion and many more benifits .

Drink Green tea

          In today's world people get confused for what they should take to stay healthy  in order to become and stay healthy a person should drink green tea two times per day as it contains all the important features which helps to get healthy.It is also medically proven that green tea not only helps to stay healthy but also helps in the weight loss as it contains antioxidants it also tones the skin and also gives boost to the immune system also.

Drink coffee before sleeping

Drinking coffee is a good habit as it helps to stay healthy.Coffee has many advantages as it is medically proven that drinking coffee boosts metabolism of an individual as it has some cool features also which consists of the fact that it helps you to focus more by making your brain healthy. It also consists of a lot of quantity of antioxidants which helps and benifits Health of an individual. It also helps in building muscles as if you like to gain muscles you should try it.It also improves your memory also but as excess of everything is bad so don't take a large quantity of it as it can have some adverse effects also.So stay knowledgeable stay healthy.


Sahil Bhat said…
Thank you Vishal bhat.

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